
Due to training, our office will be closed to walk-in customers on February 10th and 11th. Phones will be answered by limited staff between 8:30 and 3:00, or you can press 2 to be transferred to our emergency mailbox so our on-call staff can return your call. Our office number is 515-962-1200. Thank you, Warren Water District.

The Warren Water District is a non-profit governmental entity established under Code 357A State of Iowa.  The District is governed by a nine member Board of Directors, elected from the District Membership.

Construction started in 1987 and the District’s first phase became operational on March 11th, 1988, serving 800 customers and laying 154 miles of pipeline.  All construction phases were completed in 2004.  After years of hard work, we serve 7480 customers, have almost 1,200 miles of pipe, and pump on an average 1,700,000 gallons of water a day.

The District is proud to be serving rural families, farms, businesses, and communities of Warren County, Madison County, southern Dallas County and a portion of Polk County.    This area includes the Cities of Martensdale, Milo, St. Charles, St. Marys, New Virginia, Truro, Bevington, Patterson, Ackworth, Earlham and Peru.  The District also provides water to Xenia Rural Water District, Lake Ahquabi State Park, Southeast Warren Schools, River Oaks Water Co., Hartford Mobile Home Park, and Camp Wesley Woods.  Water is purchased for delivery from Des Moines Water Works and pumped by 9 large booster stations to 7 water towers.

The District also developed and constructed and presently maintains Wastewater Systems in the cities of Bevington and Peru.

Map of the Water Service Area

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